Sharing my latest post on Scoop It:
Would love to hear your thoughts!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Five tips for stopping sticks
The Nurse in me just takes over sometimes, and I just have to share information on some subjects paticualr to Nursing! Hope you find it helpful!!!
Five tips for stopping sticks
Louise Malbon-Reddix - Author of:
Five tips for stopping sticks
Louise Malbon-Reddix - Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Book Trailer Too!!!
Where to buy the book
Also at Barnes & Noble’s or your favorite book store too!!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Tyler Perry Prays Lays Hands for Bishop TD JAKES
Now, I do not have 1 million dollars to give you, but what I do have is some practical tools that will help you to push on towards your goals. So you say you are feeling stuck with no options, and you are feeling some kinda way like out of sorts. Headache here, cold there, just not feeling at your best at all, a lot!!! Problems at work and at home too!!! What is that you say, you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? come and join me at an event!!! Hurry discounted price for one week only, so you can get your materials to study!!!
Inbox me on Facebook or call me to sign up now for this class 301-728-1720
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
See the Trailer & where to buy the book
You can find more by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Sharing Comfort in A Troubled Time - Following the Zimmerman Verdict
I am disappointed like many of you too!! Sometimes there just are not any words!!! Maya Angelou said it best, I know why the caged bird sings!!!!And so we will jut sing here!!! And I ask that we all find a way to Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!!!! Do Not Throw your Pearls to Swine!!! Let's keep praying!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix - CEO of Victory Road Wellness Center and is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Arleather Bullard- God's got your back
Anybody besides me needed a word of encouragement!!! Hear ye my beautiful niece Rev. Arleather Bullard!!! God Got Your Back!!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix - CEO of Victory Road Wellness Center and is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
Rev. Louise Malbon-Reddix; MPC, RN, CCRN-Stand In Your Anointment This Too Shall Pass
Monday, July 1, 2013
Ever Felt Like You Were Gong Against the Grain?
Have you had times when you felt that you were living your life against the grain? Something for sure just not quite right? Not quite topsy turvy, so to speak, but just enough so that you feel the stress, or maybe even a drain of some much needed strength. I have, and I hope that this discussion on Going Against The Grain in Marta Merajver's post will be helpful and beneficial to you!!!
Please, leave a comment or two also. Many Blessings to You!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix - CEO of Victory Road Wellness Center and is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
Rev. Louise Malbon-Reddix; MPC, RN, CCRN-Stand In Your Anointment This Too Shall Pass
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter @LouiseReddixsee you there!!!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Romance Ramble and Book Babble: First Page - Stand in Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass
When my friend and Author Trish Jackson says something, she means it!!! I am impressed you can probably tell! Take a look for yourself at her work. And not only because she featured my book, but keep returning and please do like she says, "Saddle Up For A Wild Read!"
Romance Ramble and Book Babble: First Page - Stand in Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass
Romance Ramble and Book Babble: First Page - Stand in Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass
Louise Malbon-Reddix - CEO of Victory Road Wellness Center and is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
When It Rains, It Pours!!! (1) Facebook
When you click this link, it will take you to the picture of my mother and my father. A beautiful young couple then for sure! Some say I look like my mom, some say they can see my dad! Let me know your thoughts about it if you would be so kind. Just leave a comment, and let me know what you think!
(1) Facebook
My mommy and my daddy! May they both rest in peace! I know you don't want me to say it, but say it I must. Before I lost Tony, I lost these and so many more!! Check out my book and you will see how you too can get through the sotrms of your life - Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!!! Get your copy to have on hand. Sometimes, when it rains, it pours!!! Better to be prepared. I was not and I am sure you can tell,as I have been crying for some time now! Many a year. Sometimes songs help, here is one I listen to when I am really troubled -
But my book will help to guide you through too, and on your own terms at that!!! You can take a look at the first couple of pages through this link -
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
(1) Facebook
My mommy and my daddy! May they both rest in peace! I know you don't want me to say it, but say it I must. Before I lost Tony, I lost these and so many more!! Check out my book and you will see how you too can get through the sotrms of your life - Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!!! Get your copy to have on hand. Sometimes, when it rains, it pours!!! Better to be prepared. I was not and I am sure you can tell,as I have been crying for some time now! Many a year. Sometimes songs help, here is one I listen to when I am really troubled -
But my book will help to guide you through too, and on your own terms at that!!! You can take a look at the first couple of pages through this link -
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Lamenting Still? Yes and More!
Lamenting over the loss of the greatest love of my life still, yes I am! And before you tell me I need to go and find help for myself, let me explain just a little bit! This was my second marriage. The first ending in divorce for many reasons.
A lot of people don't talk about things, this I know. It is called airing out your dirty laundry in my little part of the world/culture. But when you stop and look around at the statistics of marriage and divorce, perhaps someone besides me should be talking about this type of thing! You can find those statistics anywhere you look, so I won't be citing them here. My goal here is to, air some of that dirty laundry, not just to show it off or get it out, but hopefully to help someone get through. And to do that successfully!!!
Sucessfully can mean many things to many people, this I know, too. But can I say at least with sound mind and body, being a goal of the getting through. So many avenues could be picked too to go down in the discussion of this subject, for sure. So what I will do is start with myself and I invite you to contact me on or with the avenue that you wished I had gone down to speak about on this subject. I am a listening for your contact too!
One of the worst things about the ending of my first marriage, is that when that marriage ended, so did my faith in men, marriage, life and so much more. I kept my religion though, sorely bruised, but it was working and it did keep me going through a hard time in my life. I was left with 3 children to raise now on my own as a single parent, and to find a way to keep a household that was barely running on two incomes, now running on one.
Yes, it is here that I had to make decisions (crying decisions, because, not to be able to pay your bills hurts, and then people are loosing faith in you too. Your credibility as a person in society is dwindling down slowly) such as which utility to pay and keep on. Well, the electricity won out! I could keep the house warm, cook and keep food in the refrigerator. With my keorosene heater and with some electric heaters too, I could keep the pipes in the house from freezing in the winter time. I and the children slept in the den with the kerosene heater. We did what we had to do to survive.
Were there other options? Sure I had other options. I could have picked up and moved myself and my children home to mama. Did I mention that I had done that before, and had to come back because I could not work due to the time it takes to gain reciprocity for your license in another state. Let's see, another option was to let the house go and to move into the cheaper apartments down the street. The ones that had the drug dealers and the real to life shoot out wars right there! I filed for welfare, but I made to much money and besides, Reagan and Bush had passed the Child support law, and you had to go and file for that, first before you could get Public Assitance. It took a few years for that to become a reality, because they couldn't find my ex-husband who literally lived down the street and around the corner from me. Oh, did I mention that instead of working a regular job, I now had to work the equvalent of three to keep what means I had going? Hmmm! Did I break the law and leave my children home alone a lot? Yes, I had to do it. But I talked to them regularly on the phone!
The crock pot, I love that thing!!! It helped me to have home cooked and ready meals for my children every day!!! Put all of your ingredients in it and turn it on to slow cook and by the time the children get home, all they have to do is open the lid, and fix their plates and eat!!! I still turn it on from time to time for myself now, because cooking for one person is not a lot of fun!
Enough of that and let us fast forward now to my second marriage to Richard Reddix, Sr. in 2008! What a beautiful old soul y'all!!! Beautiful, and he sure did know how to treat a lady! Just think, sterotypes and so much more almost didn't allow this meeting. So when I tell you it must have been destiny, believe me. You can read all about my story and my marriage to him in my book Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass, available on and Barnes and Nobles too and of course from the Publisher Xulon Press. Here is a ready link to it on Amazon -
You will love the sory, I guarantee it, for in it you will see how this beautiful man restored my faith and confidence in men, marriage and so much more. He loved all that hell, right out of me! An example of that is the testing of our young marriage by haveing to pick another church to fellwship in, and that is in the book too! He, just took my hand and walked with me through this whole dilemna. Talk about chivalry, honey, it was not dead. This man protected me, walked with me and did not let rain fall on my head! No joke, and no lie! I still have that big umbrella with the black and white pattern all around it that he would come around to my side of the car and put up when it was raining! Yes, if we were back in those times when the stage coach and horses were running, he would have put his coat down in the mud to keep my shoes from getting mud on them.
A very precious soul, can't you see, just from what I have said? Now isn't he someone to be lamenting over? I miss him! One of the things that was a very prominnt feature in his life was his love for children! He was a foster parent in Montgomery County, Maryland for many years and rescued many children from many situations in that way! And did adopet one too!!! Can you see this precious soul?
Well he left that and more with me! Can I ask you to come along side of me and support me in my Summer Youth Activity? Help me to keep the spark he left with me going and guide some children to along in their lives. All of the proceeds that I receive from my Avon business, which I started to make sure that it would be suitable for a strt up business, will go towards my Summer Youth Activity - here is the link for you to learn more about that too!!!
You can look, good, smell good and help out my youth at the same time! I thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Help a sister, a friend, a widow and most of all now, some youth!!! Here is the link to my Avon page too -
See you there or somewhere on this great wide web!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Music, Song and Music Appreciation
A period piece can be an object, a piece of music, a play, etc., valued for its quality of evoking a particular historical period: often one regarded as of little except historical interest.
In my Music Appreciation Class some years ago, we were given an assignment in which we listened to period pieces. And we really did have to appreciate it! We had to listen for such things as the time signature and the instruments in the piece, and more of course. Eventually beingable to listen to a piece and actually name the Era of time that it was from.Some of thed eras and styles included Medievil, renaissance, Baroque and Classical Apreciate them, yes and it became easier with repeated practice to identify them.
Well, I wish it was so with grief! We do not get time to practice the steps of grieving, and if we could, would we even want to? Oh my no!!! It is an unpleasant experience and the less time in it, the better.
And as unpleasant as it is, that time does come into each of our lives. And as circumstances and each person is so different, there is hardly any one way to get through grief.
I am a product of the 70's generation and the music of that time!! Oldies but Goodies for sure!!! And this is something that we all have in common. We embrace the music of our times!! Most reading this will remember The American Bandstand, and of course, Soul Train that brought the music of our times into our living rooms to us by television.
To show you the powerful effect of music on us, I would even venture out and say that the theme music for American Bandstand and SoulTrain are being sung, or is playing out in your mind right now. DDDDD< DDDDDDD< DDDDD>DDDDDDDDDDD.DnDn>Bandstand!!!!
While I was going through one of the hardest times of grieving in my life, I discovered that one of the songs of my era, actually had all of the steps of grieving; accidentally, I am sure included in it! The five steps of grieving are: Denial and Isolation - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance.
Now you can take a look at the first few pages of my book here -
Now, listen to Hall and Oates as they sing She's Gone: , then look on page 59 in my book and you can read how this song actually goes through all of the stages of grief.
It is my sincere desire to come along side as many as I can as they go through such a trying time in their lives. I wrote this book espressly to be able to help you navigate through the process of grief and loss and tht on your own terms!!! We are all very different and beautiful people!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
(Posted here also, as I cannot share to all places)
Friday, May 17, 2013
Real Life, Real Talk

My mother had a saying, and it certainly seems to apply here! "Read between the lines!" Yes that is what she said. And reading between the lines here, I get it! I have stuck a chord on someone's nerve! Seems like they are tired of hearing about my loss of my late husband! And what a beautiful and nonconfrontational way to let me know. Ever so gently, and without saying a word.But therein lies a thought though, that it just might be time to move on!
But wait! Let me tell you a little bit about my Richard, aka Tony! You see he was just a little older than I and we didn't go on a honeymoon or anything. And after we were married, hard to talk about it. But ok, here goes.
You see my Tony was a real gentleman and I could tell he was a little worried about things. So to make it easier and a little fun too, I took us on a little drive to Beltway Plaza. There is a store in there called Lovin' Times.
Everyone could probably tell we were newlyweds, because we were just a gigling and laughing and just a carrying on! And if you go to that store yourself, you will see why we were carrying on so. And that picture here at the top is one of the things we left out of the store with!! Things that make you go HMMMM!!!
I have to tell all again how much I miss my gentle giant of a man. And for more of our story together, you will just have to buy my book - Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass! And the book is a great help to anyone going through the processes of Grief and Loss, and who better from than someone who knows the agony of loosing someone and almost throwing in the towel!
Now it is not just about that oowey, gooey stuff! There is factual information in it too! Information about growth and development. Yes, how it all depends on where you are in your life as to how you will cope and deal when things are less than happy in your life. It talks about relationships in a real way too!
Now you will just have to get that book, won't you? Real Life, Real Talk!!! If only we could know how another person feels and thinks! Watch below, and then get my book too which is all about Real Life and Real Talk!
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!!!
Now you will just have to get that book, won't you? Real Life, Real Talk!!! If only we could know how another person feels and thinks! Watch below, and then get my book too which is all about Real Life and Real Talk!
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Some Journey's You Have To Take Alone!!
When I saw this picture, it really spoke volumes to me! It helped me to, one, realize that this is exactly what I am on in my own life, as well as to put into words some of the things that I have said in other words in that book - Stand In Your Anointing - This Too Shall Pass!!!
Everyone will have to take a journey like this at some time in their life. And as with any other journey in our lives that we take, everyone does not prepare the same or pack the same or choose the same destination to travel too! Some like destinations where it is hot - Jamaica - Hawaii!! Some like those destinations where it is cold, Alaska, is all that comes to mind at present, or New York, where I grew up at!!!
So it is with the the journey of grieveing. We all didn't get there at the same time and we have all certainly arrived there from our own separate places of origins or beginnings. And so it is that we will not all go on this journey the same way! I am not you and you are not me!!! Some arrive at this place as the older brother or sister. Some as the younger brother or sister. I being one of 10 or more children with the age span of all of those siblings overr at least two generations, for sure I know that we all do not get to the same place although having shared common beginnings the same!! Love all of my brothers and sisters, and especially the few I have left, but the truth has to be told, we are all so very different, yet in all of us, you can see and trace some of our common thoughts and gestures and reasons back to our beloved late mother. So now, having lost 7 siblings that I knew and were priveledged to share life with, my mom and my matriarchal grandmom (my dad's mom, I do not remember, but so love anyways - Grandma Dovie), my dad and my stepdad, one foster son, many friends and now my late and beloved husband, Richard Reddix, Sr, I think I can speak a little on the subject of recovering from a Broken Heart and being on this Journey that you Have to Take Alone!!
Recovering from a broken heart usually means that there are
still strong feelings and attachments to the person (thing) you once loved and
whom you depended on. It also may tend
to imply that the broken relationship (marriage, death, friendship) was not the
outcome you desired, leaving you with a sense of powerlessness. And to tell the whole truth, there is probably some underlying message
that somehow you have failed or that you may not have been good enough or
responsible enough in some way. Oh if I had a... Or if I just could have ... I wish I could.... Or If only I... Sounds familiar I am sure.
Facing an end to an important relationship in your life with
someone you loved and perhaps still love very much, can certainly relate to an
aftermath of sadness, grief, disorientation, self-doubt, and often a temporary
feeling of depression and despair.
Dear One, it takes time for your heart to mend. And it usually involves
a time of thinking through and reliving all the shared experiences. It can mean weeks or months and even years
for some ( I included here), of feeling waves of emotion as your mind revisits experiences that
keep getting triggered by your daily activities.
One of the most difficult parts is getting through the
initial shock, sadness and loss. After all, life has changed drastically and
It is a natural part of the healing process, to be still thinking in terms of the other person’s (thing, situation’s) needs. It is that part of the separating out from it that we go through. It’s important not to misinterpret the pain you’re feeling
as a sign that you did or didn’t fulfill something on your end of the
relationship. Allow yourself time to engage in recognition of your pain and your loss.
You may have heard canned statements that say that “It takes
as much time to heal as the time involved in the relationship.” To that I say HMMMM!!! Or, perhaps you have heard it this way,
'The deepness and dependence on the
relationship is often rooted in unfulfilled needs from childhood." HMMM, again!!! This is the truth to me, what seemed like a brief relationship may take
a year or even years to heal. All of the thoughts of what you were going to do, the gireif of the unborn children, the trips so not taken, the desire to still want to, th not celebrated birthdays, the not walking down the isle, the no tomorrow we will, the video of the life you planned together that is now only a snapshot, huugh, ohhh, my my,my!!! Where as a long-term relationship may end and be processed in a relatively
short time. I have had one of those! You know the one where you say Good Riddens, and if I ever see you again, it will be too soon!!! Thanks, but no thanks buddy!!!
There are no real rules for
how much time it takes, but it is a good idea to seek help if the time seems
extensive and protracted, beyond what would seem a "normal time" to keyword here - each person,
or if there seems to be no progress in the healing.
Ok, so what can you do? I have found some ways to use as a guide, not a ruler as to how things can progress through. At least I hope they will be. Perhaps the following markers along the path c can help you gauage your progress as you go along!!!
Marker 1.
Individuation - the process of becoming yourself again - so to speak
This may be the hardest of all. When you care for another person, over time,
you blend energies in the form of hopes, dreams, plans and expectations with
that person (thing,situation). When the relationship
has ended, you go through a process of individuation, pulling back and
reclaiming yourself - you out of this now blended identity.
This can feel for a time like a part of you is actually missing. Even if you want someone out of your life,
the ending of that blendedness - familiarity leaves a feeling that you are not
whole for a time. Your mind is searching
to rebuild the feeling of independence you once knew, while incorporating the
time of blendedness which has taken place during the time you were involved in the
Because of the newness, the strangeness, and the confusion
in your mind during this time, you may experience periods of tearfulness,
hopelessness, and not feeling joy. You
may not feel like socializing or eating, and you may experience physical
symptoms such as an aching in the pit of your stomach. You may feel loneliness even in the presence
of close friends. You may be feeling
symptoms equivalent to those reported by persons recovering from drug, food and
alcohol addiction in the earliest stages.
It’s normal at this mark to feel sorry for yourself as you review
many painful memories. People experience
strong longings to return to the situation that has ended; all to prevent or stop
the longing for the familiar and the ensuing confusion. Some persons may even just want it to be over. This is a journey for sure! And you must allow
yourself the tears and feelings of loss and wanting to be alone for a time. If
you ignore these feelings of loss, or try to distract yourself, they will only
remain for a longer period of time.
Write about your feelings, (this is what I did and the result is my book - Stand In Your Anointment -This Too Shall Pass!) or talk about your feelings with a close
friend or confident (Pastor, therapist).
After an initial period of grieving and mourning your loss, you may fnd it helpful to make a commitment to begin to get back to re-building other connections which
you may have neglected while you were in your relationship and in your grieving
period. Make plans with old friends,
sign up for a class, and make new friends; plan a gathering at your home and
the like. Only schedule part of your
time with others, and use some constructive alone time to continue the review
of the past relationship. Your mind
needs to find answers to your questions.
You may need to do research to gain the understanding that you need.
Use what you learn to help you begin to build a listing of
what you want in your future. This
evaluation can help move your mind from the past to the future, where hope exists. The only part of life, now that you can control is what
you think and do today and your plans for the future.
Practice healthy avoidance.
Avoid excess in the use of alcohol, food, and medications. You may think you are reducing emotional
pain, but you are actually setting up to continue it for a longer time.
Don’t avoid feelings.
Don’t avoid what can really help, such as exercise, communication with
friends and reading, but only as you are ready!!!
Marker 2. Start to Smile Again!
When you find yourself free of thinking about your past
relationship (blending) for a few hours at a time, you are starting to move from that hardest first Marker. You are now at place
that you can quantitatively measure your own progress. Rejoice and make a notation of each thought,
event, or experience that makes you smile.
Those can begin a new foundation upon which to build. The truth though is is that you are beginning to realize that you were there
before, you are getting there again; almost as a reward for facing the hard
work you have done up to now.
You may even have periods where you are able to think of
your past blenidng in that relationship in terms of being needed in your life for that specific
time. You may find that you are becoming
more philosophical and enlightened about the meaning of the past
relationship. Look for new meaning each
time your mind goes back to cover more details.
Do not be surprised as as some are and in fact find disconcerting
for many months. You may feel that you are
doing better, and you may even have started feeling good enough to date again,
(get a new pet, form new relationships).
Then out of the blue, you may get hit with a new flood,tsunami like of emotions. Know that this is part of the process of
getting to recovery. Don’t loose site of
your path, to find things and people who make you feel like smiling again.
Marker 3.
Getting back to you.
Life is now returning to some semblance of normalcy. Again, this may be sooner or later for some and it is all ok as this is the journey that we have to take alone and to recover from on our own terms. You’ll find that you are able to concentrate,
get excited by prospects of the future and you no longer feel as if you are in
transition of the unblending, to the you yourself. You have returned to a place where you have your identity back and
you may be ready to date and get involved in a new relationship ( new puppy,
job, etc) You will find that your mind
has found many answers to your questions that arose during your grief period
and that you have come to a settled place.
Hopefully you can find it comfortable to say honestly that it was the
perfect time, but destined to be only for that specific period of your
life. Your needs are changing all the
time. Still, watch out for the
occasional memories that will come in from time to time.
Marker 4.
New Relationships
When you get to this point, you are well on your way in your
development of healing. It is here thay you have or know that you will be able to talk about your former relationship
and find that the stinging pain of it is was gone.
You are involved in and connected with new friends and
relationships. As time has gone on, you
have re-evaluated what is important in your life and changed your list of what
you want in your new relationship. You
know now that you can, did and are recovering. Here, remind yourself that
you survived and you can do it whenever it is needed, if it is needed in the
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more by me
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you
Please know that comments and sharing are welcome!!!
Talk Soon!!!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Mega Partnering VII | Welcome
Mega Partnering VII | Welcome
Pictures are always proof, but lo and behold for some reason, this blog can't upload them form my phone or my computer. So you will have to take me at my word and know that I do have pictures. As a writer, you know I am always going to tell you a full story.
This story of when I met JT Foxx in person began in April 2012. I became serious about launching Victory Road Wellness Center after the death of my precious husband in 2009. What a journey to say the least!!! And I soon discovered that I was as greeen as they come and didn't have all the understanding that I needed to accomplish the same. So I set out to learn!!! I hired the Prosper Company in Utah to help train me in some business essentials. And soon after that, Mr. Dave Lavinsky of GrowThink got my attention and off to LA I went to learn from him about business building. And in the afternoon, Mr. Foxx was introduced. I had already spent my available funds and couldn't for to Mega Partnering. Now here is another opportunity for me to go, and again, I find myself caught off guard, but really wanting to go, because JT and his team have really now touched my life. I attended the DC leg of the tour and really was blessed to have been able to attend it for just a donation to charity! I learned so much and most of all, I mean the bestest of all was the attention that was paid to me during those two days! Welcome as a breath of fresh air. No condemnation, just total acceptance and felt an earnest desire and their passion for my success!! Connected in now with Facebook and LinkedIn with the presenter for the Marketing, I am so touched and impressed! It is personal to me now and I would certainly enjoy having an opportunity to go and grow and do more.
I am sharing this, because sharing is what I do for one. I want to be able to help someone on their way through this journey called life. Yes this is the me who wrote, Stand In Your Anointment - This Too shall Pass! And to let you all know, even if I don't get to go that this is an awesome opportunity! And I am as they say looking for miracles at this time to be able to pick up the phone and say I am going!
Check this opportunity out now!!! It comes highly recommended by me!!!!! Let JT Foxx and his team take you through with success. They know the latest and best information in my humble opinion at this point. I even learned a lot about myself from the coaching call with JT and his 9 figure Coach Meir!!!
If you decide you are going, let me know!!!
Pictures are always proof, but lo and behold for some reason, this blog can't upload them form my phone or my computer. So you will have to take me at my word and know that I do have pictures. As a writer, you know I am always going to tell you a full story.
This story of when I met JT Foxx in person began in April 2012. I became serious about launching Victory Road Wellness Center after the death of my precious husband in 2009. What a journey to say the least!!! And I soon discovered that I was as greeen as they come and didn't have all the understanding that I needed to accomplish the same. So I set out to learn!!! I hired the Prosper Company in Utah to help train me in some business essentials. And soon after that, Mr. Dave Lavinsky of GrowThink got my attention and off to LA I went to learn from him about business building. And in the afternoon, Mr. Foxx was introduced. I had already spent my available funds and couldn't for to Mega Partnering. Now here is another opportunity for me to go, and again, I find myself caught off guard, but really wanting to go, because JT and his team have really now touched my life. I attended the DC leg of the tour and really was blessed to have been able to attend it for just a donation to charity! I learned so much and most of all, I mean the bestest of all was the attention that was paid to me during those two days! Welcome as a breath of fresh air. No condemnation, just total acceptance and felt an earnest desire and their passion for my success!! Connected in now with Facebook and LinkedIn with the presenter for the Marketing, I am so touched and impressed! It is personal to me now and I would certainly enjoy having an opportunity to go and grow and do more.
I am sharing this, because sharing is what I do for one. I want to be able to help someone on their way through this journey called life. Yes this is the me who wrote, Stand In Your Anointment - This Too shall Pass! And to let you all know, even if I don't get to go that this is an awesome opportunity! And I am as they say looking for miracles at this time to be able to pick up the phone and say I am going!
Check this opportunity out now!!! It comes highly recommended by me!!!!! Let JT Foxx and his team take you through with success. They know the latest and best information in my humble opinion at this point. I even learned a lot about myself from the coaching call with JT and his 9 figure Coach Meir!!!
If you decide you are going, let me know!!!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
See the Trailer & where to buy the book
You can find more by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Success Economics Model: Guarantee My Success Formula
Success Economics Model: Guarantee My Success Formula
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
See the Trailer & where to buy the book
You can find more by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Soldiers - Brothers to the End and for me Precious Memories!!!
Victory Road Wellness Center
This is my my late brother James Bullard when he was in the Marines, and as I said in an earlier post that made me cry; that picture of a fallen soldier, here is one picture which will show, those soldiers share a bond like no other. Sharing some of his pictures that were in it now, just laying there on the shelf in the closet.
Felt I really had too after I saw that soldier there standing and crying over his fallen comrad! They ain't black or white, they are brothers to the end! And I mean to the end. Somewhere I have pictures of my other brother John Thomas who too was a Marine and I am telling you at his funeral, those brothers showed up deep! Rolling Thunder was all you heard when they came to the funeral parlor! They guarded his lifeless body during his viewing at the funeral home and walked him to his grave in Spring Forest Cemetery! That was there brother, although not a drop of blood was shared between them. something that went a little deeper than even blood. So much so that I could feel the love, honor and respect they had for him and it took just a little of the sting out for a moment to see the brotherhood of Marines and what they do for one another!
Felt I really had too after I saw that soldier there standing and crying over his fallen comrad! They ain't black or white, they are brothers to the end! And I mean to the end. Somewhere I have pictures of my other brother John Thomas who too was a Marine and I am telling you at his funeral, those brothers showed up deep! Rolling Thunder was all you heard when they came to the funeral parlor! They guarded his lifeless body during his viewing at the funeral home and walked him to his grave in Spring Forest Cemetery! That was there brother, although not a drop of blood was shared between them. something that went a little deeper than even blood. So much so that I could feel the love, honor and respect they had for him and it took just a little of the sting out for a moment to see the brotherhood of Marines and what they do for one another!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In
Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
the Trailer & where to buy the book
You can find more by me
Twitter - @LouiseReddix
Monday, February 11, 2013
Allen Passes NATO Security Assistance Command to Dunford Headquarters Marine Corps News Article Display
Life is not just about oneself, and I do carry a burden for our soldiers abroad. I don't think we pay enough homage to our soldiers who are willing to make the supreme sacrifice for our country; lay down their lives so that we can hold onto the few freedoms that we still have in this country.
And as such I stop now and take a bow to let our soldiers know that I pray for them nightly for their safe return home to their families and friends. And if we stay the course as we are now, more of them will be home very soon!!!
Allen Passes NATO Security Assistance Command to Dunford Headquarters Marine Corps News Article Display
And as such I stop now and take a bow to let our soldiers know that I pray for them nightly for their safe return home to their families and friends. And if we stay the course as we are now, more of them will be home very soon!!!
Allen Passes NATO Security Assistance Command to Dunford Headquarters Marine Corps News Article Display
Friday, January 25, 2013
There is More Room Out Than In, Especially When The Half Has Not Been Told
Hello Everyone!
Praying All is Well With You! For sure everyone knows by now that I lost a really great man in my life when my beloved Richard Reddix Sr. passed suddenly from this life. By now, you all know that I wrote this book Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass! Thank you to all of you who have purchased it, and if you haven't you can at: . And please, watch the trailer for the book, it is beautifully done, and I know you will enjoy it! .
I wrote the book to help me through the grief and pain of loosing this beautiful man! And not only that, As this is not just another love story book! But one packed full of information to help others to understand themselves too as they go through Grief and Loss. There is so much associated with it. This book talks about Grief and Loss from so many perspectives. Growth and Development, as we all accept things differently at different times in our lives. And yes for sure about the Grief Process itself, as it is a process and has 5 steps to it and that you could be anywhere in them at any point along the process, taboos associated with widow hood and so much more.
Praying All is Well With You! For sure everyone knows by now that I lost a really great man in my life when my beloved Richard Reddix Sr. passed suddenly from this life. By now, you all know that I wrote this book Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass! Thank you to all of you who have purchased it, and if you haven't you can at: . And please, watch the trailer for the book, it is beautifully done, and I know you will enjoy it! .

But still I say that the Half Has not Been Told in the Book! I am still going through the settling of my late husbands estate. Will and all! What should have been a simple thing is still an ongoing nightmare; one that includes the court system. I have to say I am disappointed in so many things there. You expect for some safeguards to be in place, especially where property is concerned. Be warned and make sure all I's are dotted and T's are crossed in all of your affairs. What should be simple is not when lawyers, and their interpretations of facts are involved! And God help and protect 2nd wives everywhere! You automatically become an enemy even when your heart is for everyone! Believe me on this one, the half has not been told! And did I say, that Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass also talks about how relationships are affected to!!!
Anyone else going through and care to share? It helps to write this stuff down and to discuss it with others. The adage "There is More Room Out Than In" is so true especially in situations that are really complicated! New things, Old things, and where do you put this and how do you sort this, you just can't hold all of this stuff in!
Please share your thoughts and comments!
Louise Malbon Reddix is the Author of: Stand In
Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
You can find more by me
Twitter - @LouiseReddix
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