A period piece can be an object, a piece of music, a play, etc., valued for its quality of evoking a particular historical period: often one regarded as of little except historical interest.
In my Music Appreciation Class some years ago, we were given an assignment in which we listened to period pieces. And we really did have to appreciate it! We had to listen for such things as the time signature and the instruments in the piece, and more of course. Eventually beingable to listen to a piece and actually name the Era of time that it was from.Some of thed eras and styles included Medievil, renaissance, Baroque and Classical Apreciate them, yes and it became easier with repeated practice to identify them.
Well, I wish it was so with grief! We do not get time to practice the steps of grieving, and if we could, would we even want to? Oh my no!!! It is an unpleasant experience and the less time in it, the better.
And as unpleasant as it is, that time does come into each of our lives. And as circumstances and each person is so different, there is hardly any one way to get through grief.
I am a product of the 70's generation and the music of that time!! Oldies but Goodies for sure!!! And this is something that we all have in common. We embrace the music of our times!! Most reading this will remember The American Bandstand, and of course, Soul Train that brought the music of our times into our living rooms to us by television.
To show you the powerful effect of music on us, I would even venture out and say that the theme music for American Bandstand and SoulTrain are being sung, or is playing out in your mind right now. DDDDD< DDDDDDD< DDDDD>DDDDDDDDDDD.DnDn>Bandstand!!!!
While I was going through one of the hardest times of grieving in my life, I discovered that one of the songs of my era, actually had all of the steps of grieving; accidentally, I am sure included in it! The five steps of grieving are: Denial and Isolation - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance.
Now you can take a look at the first few pages of my book here -
Now, listen to Hall and Oates as they sing She's Gone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OVLfzYkM6Lo , then look on page 59 in my book and you can read how this song actually goes through all of the stages of grief.
It is my sincere desire to come along side as many as I can as they go through such a trying time in their lives. I wrote this book espressly to be able to help you navigate through the process of grief and loss and tht on your own terms!!! We are all very different and beautiful people!
Louise Malbon-Reddix is the Author of:
Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass!
Watch the Book Trailer & Where to buy the book
You can find more written by me at:
And you can Follow me on Twitter - @LouiseReddix - see you there!!!
(Posted here also, as I cannot share to all places)