The Next Big Thing
The Next Big Thing
on Stand In Your Anointment-This Too Shall Pass!!!
The Next Big Thing is a series of blog posts where authors talk
about their work using the same ten questions. At the end of the blog we tag
other authors who will do the same thing a week later. So not only do you get
to find out more about my book but you also will discover some other
interesting writers.
The wonderful Rosemary Adkins tagged me. Rosemarie's book, Mamie
is expected to be completed and released by Summer 2013. She also has a book
out called Extraordinary Dreams Ireland which is available at Congratulations Rosemary!
“Rosemary Adkins has
a heart of gold and is a very talented writer! Really talented as she tells of
her own troubled childhood of abuse and having to learn at a very young age,
all of 4 years old of how to stand on her own! All because she wants to share
and help others who have ever found themselves in such a predictamint in life!."
Thank you, Rosemary, for giving me the opportunity to introduce
my latest book; Stand In Your Anointment-This
Too Shall Pass! It is currently
available on I like Rosemary have the desire to help others to get
through on this journey called life. Have
found that on this journey, life throws stones sometimes. Heavy ones at that. Recovery oftentimes seems impossible. But
this book gave me an opportunity to let others know about the things that
happen when you loose the love of your life.
Oh, yes, it is a beautiful little lovestory, but not just a love
story. It is packed full of information
on the grief process, relationships, growth and development and how they are
all intertwined. It has the good bad and
ugly right there for you to see. Only you will get to see it from a little
distance and hopefully learn some things that will help you go through your
journey of life on your own terms, and understand it all, just a little better
1. What is the working title of your
next book?
My new book Is This Roots is expected to be completed and released by December
2. Where did the idea come from for
the book?

3. What genre does your book fall
Creative NonFiction.
4. What actors would you choose to
play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Morgan Freeman has played many roles. From Driving Miss Daisy to
Lean on Me! But in my eyes, this would be his best! Everyone would fall in love
with him again, as he portrays the essence of my late husband who was such a beautiful,
gentle and kind soul! And for me,
Loretta Divine! With her soulful self and the roles she played from Waiting to
Exhale to Madea’s Family! She would do just fine for me as she has a lot of
fight in her, but she does it so gracefully! The little Rascals would do fine
to play some of the other characters as they are not always at their finest and
are always up to something!!And yes the
actor Hugh Laurie who plays House as any doctor anywhere!
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis
of your book?
6. Will your book be self-published
or represented by an agency?
I am hoping to publish with the same publisher for Stand In Your
Anointment – This Too Shall Pass; Xulon Press.
7. How long did it take you to write
the first draft of the manuscript?
Approximately 4 – 5 months.
8. What other books would you compare
this story to within your genre?
The Green Pharmacy by
Dr. James Duke and His Healing Power by Dr. Lillian Yeoman
9. Who or what inspired you to write
this book?
Being in Nursing for over 25 years and a mother, wife, widow,
friend, sister and a minister, I have seen a lot of suffering and the time has
come to tell that it is time to heal now, the right way!
10. What else about the book might
pique the reader’s interest?
Is This Roots will give you information on how the body works
under stress and of many options to help one heal from it. It reveals ways
of how to get you out from under the grip of
fear’s hold on your life. It will move you to a position of power providing you with knowledge of what is actually going on in the
body. It will reinforce for some and introduce to others the awesome power
of God and his provisions for us! Help us along the
way that we may not be aware of that is available. It will take you all the way back to the ways of old and bring you
back to the current date and times and of the new ways that technology now has
begun to help us heal. And
Is This Roots? will not be available until December 2013 but you reserve your signed copy of the first shipment of books through my website:!
Meanwile you can obtain copies of Stand In Your Anointment- This
Too Shall Pass on
If you want to discover some other
great writers, check these out:
Yves Johnson:
Josiah Payne:
Arteria Stevens