I am Louise Malbon-Reddix.CEO; Victory Road Wellness Center; The Spirit to Care and the Skill to Help! This is my motto! And I am the Author of -Stand In Your Anointment - This Too Shall Pass! Please, watch the trailer about this book, and here is a link to that trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfOUVQFaxU0
And there is more from me, and it can be found at the sites below:
Twitter - @LouiseReddix
I am asking now for your prayers and well wishes as on November 28, 2012, I went to NIH in response to their notification to me that I was a match for a young woman with Leukemia. I was a little surprised as I had originally signed up in the 1990's. I hope to still be her match. Below is a link which will help to describe the donor process. And below that is another link which is where I am in this process!
I am still praying for this young woman!!
Talk Soon!
Still waiting for the results and I am still praying for this young woman in the meantime. Hoping to be her miracle for Christmas!!